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Innovation Day

Every year, the Business Metropole Ruhr invites business development agencies, companies, start-ups, institutions and many other stakeholders from the Ruhr region and beyond to the Innovation Day. The aim of the BMR is to stimulate new ideas for the Ruhr metropolis, promote exchange between a wide range of sectors and thus facilitate cross-innovation.


The topics of the Innovation Day

BMR's Innovation Day has been held since 2017 and has focused on a different topic each year. In 2024, the focus was on the question of how companies and start-ups integrate impact into their business model. In previous years, the topics discussed included cross-innovations between the creative and environmental industries and sustainable fashion and food.

Previous topics:

  • 2024: Value creation with impact, Essen
  • 2023: Fashion & Food, Dortmund
  • 2020: Rethink! (digital event)
  • 2019: Innovations in the environmental economy, Essen
  • 2018: Innovations in the field of mobility, Essen
  • 2017: Innovations in the healthcare industry, Essen
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Innovation Day 2024

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Innovation Day 2023

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Do you have questions about Innovation Day?

Give us a call or get in touch with our contact person simply and directly here.

Birthe BruckhoffHead of
Future Markets & Innovations