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Employees of the Business Metropole Ruhr

In the interest of 
Politics & business

Our Supervisory Board consists of eleven members and one advisory member. In addition to its supervisory function, the board is our direct link to regional politics. We strengthen the Ruhr economic region in the interests of our communities.


Our Supervisory Board


Our Supervisory Board consists of eleven members and one advisory member. In addition to its supervisory function, the board is our direct link to regional politics. We strengthen the Ruhr economic region in the interests of our communities.


Regionaldirektor Garrelt Duin (SPD)

Vice Chairman:
Roland Mitschke (CDU)

  • Dr. Birgit Beisheim (Bündnis 90, The Greens)
  • Tomas Grohé (DIE LINKE)
  • Wilhelm Jasperneite (CDU)
  • Oliver Linsel (Bündnis 90, The Greens)
  • Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Noll (CDU)
  • Michael R. Hübner (SPD)
  • Martina Schmück-Glock (SPD)
  • Ulrike Wilmshöver (AFD)

Advisory member of the Supervisory Board:
Korinna Zeumer (Ministry of Economic Affairs, Industry, Climate Protection and Energy of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia)

Our Advisory Board 


The voices of business in the Ruhr region are gathered in our Advisory Board. This enables us to bundle the interests in the Ruhr Metropolis. Economic development agencies, associations, chambers of commerce and the major universities work with us on the Ruhr Valley as a business location.


  • Prof. Dr. Barbara Albert / Rector University Duisburg-Essen
  • Thomas Banasiewicz / Managing Director Chamber of Crafts Münster
  • Prof. Dr. Manfred Bayer / Rector Technical University Dortmund
  • Rouven Beeck / Geschäftsführer Bochum Wirtschaftsentwicklung
  • Michael Bergmann / Managing Director of the Mittleres Ruhrgebiet Chamber of Industry and Commerce
  • Dr. Anette Bickmeyer / Managing Director Initiativkreis Ruhr GmbH
  • Felix Blasch / Head of Department for Urban Planning and Economic Development Mülheim a.d. Ruhr
  • André Boschem / Managing Director EWG Essener Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft mbH
  • Andreas Bothe / District President District Government of Münster
  • Heinrich Böckelühr / District President of the Arnsberg district government
  • Sascha Dorday / Managing Director Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft für den Kreis Unna mbH
  • Dr. Stefan Dietzfelbinger / Managing Director Lower Rhine Chamber of Industry and Commerce Duisburg-Wesel-Kleve zu Duisburg
  • Dr. Dirk Drenk / Managing Director of Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft Herne mbH
  • Dr. Axel Fuhrmann / Managing Director Chamber of Crafts Düsseldorf
  • Dr. Ralf Geruschkat / Managing Director Südwestfälische Industrie- und Handelskammer zu Hagen
  • Dr. Ute Günther / Executive Member of the Board Pro Ruhrgebiet e.V.
  • Kerstin Groß / Chief Executive Officer Chamber of Industry and Commerce for Essen, Mülheim an der Ruhr, Oberhausen zu Essen 
  • Lukas Hähnel / Head of the Wesel Business Development Agency
  • Peter Haumann / Head of the District of Recklinghausen - Office for Planning and Economic Affairs
  • Dr. Andreas Henseler / Geschäftsführer OWT Oberhausener Wirtschafts- und Tourismusförderung GmbH
  • Paul Höller / State Secretary in the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Industry, Climate Protection and Energy of the State of North Rhine-WestphaliaDr. Fritz Jaeckel / Chief Executive Officer of IHK Nord Westfalen
  • Jürgen Köder / Managing Director of Wirtschaftsförderungsagentur Ennepe-Ruhr GmbH, HattingenPascal Ledune / Managing Director IMPULS. The Hammer Business Agency
  • Ulrike Lubek / Director Landschaftsverband Rhineland
  • Dr. Georg Lunemann / Director Landschaftsverband Westfalen-Lippe
  • Heike Marzen / Managing Director Economic Development Dortmund
  • Olesja Mouelhi-Ort / Managing Director Chamber of Crafts Dortmund
  • Dr. Babette Nieder / Geschäftsführerin WiN Emscher-Lippe GmbH
  • Simon Nowack / City Councillor, City of Gelsenkirchen
  • Prof. Dr. Uli Paetzel / Chairman of the Board Emschergenossenschaft / Lippeverband
  • Prof. Dr. Martin Paul / Rector Ruhr University Bochum
  • Dr. Christopher Schmitt / Managing Director Hagen.Wirtschaftsentwicklung GmbH
  • Wolfgang Schmitz / Chief Executive Officer of the Entrepreneurs' Association
  • Stefan Schreiber (Chairman of the Advisory Board) / Chief Executive of the Dortmund Chamber of Industry and Commerce
  • Thomas Schürmann / President of the Düsseldorf District Government
  • Dr. Jörg Weingarten / Head of Department, Industrial and Structural Policy, Digitization, German Federation of Trade Unions, NRW District
  • Sabine Wißmann / Head of Economic Development and Location Management City of Bottrop

The economic development agencies

We work closely with the economic development agencies of our municipalities.