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newHcon Conference Hydrogen Model Region

Hydrogen model region Ruhr area

The Metropole Ruhr can and wants to become the first model region for the ramp-up of the hydrogen market in Germany with European appeal. To drive this project forward, the companies BP Europa SE, OGE GmbH, RWE AG, thyssenkrupp AG, Thyssengas GmbH and Vonovia SE as well as Hydrogen Metropole Ruhr have joined forces.

Hydrogen Metropole Ruhr tendered as Logo.-

Why do we need a hydrogen model region?

The usefulness of model regions for promoting hydrogen technology is confirmed not only by network operators and energy companies, but also most recently by a study  conducted by the Jülich Research Center.

Conclusion of the study: In view of the high time pressure and the complex interlocking of infrastructure and economic structure, regional approaches with model character offer many advantages.

  • In a model region, many networks already exist between the energy industry, infrastructure operators, industry, applied research and municipalities, which can communicate via short routes.
  • Grid operators and energy suppliers need planning and financial security, just like the customers.
  • Locally, applications from all areas of hydrogen use, but especially use in industry and mobility, can be developed in a network.
  • How supply security and economic efficiency can be combined in a hydrogen ecosystem can be realized more quickly on a smaller scale.
  • In model regions, integrated concepts can be tested more quickly and the results extended to the whole of Germany. They are the way to achieve the "Germany Tempo" in hydrogen ramp-up as well.

How does the Metropole Ruhr become an H2 model region?

The recipe for a hydrogen model region in the Ruhr region needs two ingredients:

Initiative of the stakeholders in the region
Involvement and regulation of the policy


The region has already demonstrated the former with numerous initiatives, just a few of which are mentioned here:


With a memorandum of understanding signed in June 2023, HyMR and the companies BP Europa, Open Grid Europe, RWE, thyssenkrupp, Thyssengas and Vonovia declare to work together towards the implementation of a hydrogen model region in the Metropole Ruhr.


As part of the amendment to the Energy Industry Act (EnWG), OGE and Thyssengas, among others, are modeling the hydrogen core network in Germany. Central hydrogen locations are to be connected via this core network and all regions of Germany are to be taken into account. Individual pipeline projects such as getH2 and H₂ercules will be integrated into the core network.



The Metropole Ruhr is serious. It has not only set out to become a hydrogen model region. It has long since set out on the road.


Network for hydrogen

The Hydrogen Metropole Ruhr (HyMR) is an initiative of the  Regionalverbands Ruhr (RVR)  and the Business Metropole Ruhr (BMR) to coordinate hydrogen activities in the Metropole Ruhr.

Learn more

Network with us.


Do you have questions about hydrogen in the Ruhr region? Or are you interested in our Hydrogen Metropole Ruhr network? Call us or contact us directly via contact form.

Jörn KleinelümernHUB Manager
Hydrogen Metropole Ruhr

Image credit: Regionalverband Ruhr and Scholz&Friends for HyMR