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European Backbone Talk:Why regions matter


The ramp-up of the hydrogen market is a key part of Europe's economic transformation. The transnational “European Hydrogen Backbone” project promotes the construction of pipeline infrastructure for hydrogen across Europe, which is crucial for the development of the hydrogen economy in the future, as it enables the distribution of hydrogen from the producing regions and ports to the industrial centers.


At a glance

  • Tuesday, 05 March 2024
  • Representation of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia to the EU
  • Rue Montoyer 47, 1000 Brussels, Belgium



09.00 a.m.
Admission and coffee

09.30 a.m.
Dr. Mark Speich, State Secretary for Federal and European Affairs, International Affairs and Media of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia

09.35 a.m.
Opening remarks
Markus Schlüter, Vice Director of Ruhr Regional Association (Regionalverband Ruhr) and CEO of Business Metropole Ruhr

09.40 a.m.
Keynote address
Kadri Simson (requested), European Commissioner for Energy

10.00 a.m.
Introduction: The role of regions in implementing the European Hydrogen Backbone
Erik Kolstø, Head of BD Hydrogen and CO2, Open Grid Europe GmbH

10.15 a.m.
Panel discussion I:  Different European regions, one challenge: Regional approaches to developing a hydrogen-based economy
- Ruhr Regional Association / Business Metropole Ruhr / Industry representative
- Region of Catalonia / Industry or port representative
- Flanders region / Industry or port representative
- Hauts-de-France region / Industry or port representative
- Region of Zuid-Holland / Industry or port representative

10.55 a.m.
Coffee break

11.10 a.m.
Interactive session with MEPs
- Mirela Atanasiu, Executive Director a.i. (and) Head of Unit Operations and Communication, Clean Hydrogen Partnership
- Jens Geier, MEP, Committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE) & Rapporteur of the H2 Strategy

11.50 a.m.
Lunch break

12.30 p.m.
Workshop Block 1
1. Roadmap to success: What needs to be done?
2. Who will benefit from the european hydrogen backbone?

Workshop Block 2
1. H2 general conditions: Colors, derivatives, imports
Moderation: Wouter Demenint, Port of Rotterdam and Johannes Eng, Duisport
2. Regions under decarbonization pressure: Are there any alternatives to the EHB?

02.00 p.m.
Coffee break

02.15 p.m.
Panel discussion II: Implementing the European H2 backbone: Regional approaches to grid development
in alphabetical order
- Janneke Andringa, Manager Business Development Hydrogen Transport NL, Gasunie
- Dr. Arne Dammer, Head of Strategy and Innovation, Thyssengas GmbH
- Nicolai Raß, Head of BD Hydrogen International, Open Grid Europe GmbH
- Gilles Suply, Public Affairs, Fluxys SA

03.00 p.m.
- Summary of results
- Concluding remarks
- Announcement of policy paper and next steps

03.30 p.m.
Get together

Do you have any questions?

Contact us by e-mail, telephone or directly here.

Jörn KleinelümernHUB Manager
Hydrogen Metropole Ruhr

An event organised by

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